Here are some websites that may help you with career planning! 

Career Cruising

LMI Works

CDLI Guidance Room

Find Your Future

Service Canada Job Bank


Career Planning

Are you ready to do some Career Planning? It is essential to start thinking about what you would like to do after high school. Some of the courses that you take in high school can give you some insight into what your interests are and can also help with admission to specific programs.

First, it is important to think about your interests. Where would you like to work? What are your strengths and what is important to you? To help you answer these questions you should check out Career Cruising. Our user name for Career Cruising is baccalieu and our password is predators.

Once you've completed the Career Matchmaker section of Career Cruising, you'll have a list of occupations that have been matched with your interests. Now is when you need to be thinking about all the various occupations that are out there for you! What are the job opportunities in Newfoundland? Will those opportunities change in the future? Check out Labour Market and Career Information in Newfoundland and Labrador to help you answer these questions!

Finally, you need to determine which career path you will take. How do you choose that path? You need to network with other people, further develop your life skills and abilities and maybe even gain some hands-on experience through some volunteer initiatives! For information on skill development and learning programs for youth in Newfoundland visit this LMI Works site as well as this CDLI site!

Information concerning each of these websites is available below!

Career Cruising:

Not sure what you want to do after high school? Check out Career Cruising! Career Cruising can help you find the right career, explore education and training options and build a portfolio.


Username: baccalieu

Password: predators

LMI Works:

The Provincial Post - Secondary Offering List is a search tool that provides access to information on current post-secondary programs of study in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Baccalieu Trail Youth Employment Centre:

The Baccalieu Trail Youth Employment Centre offers a number of career and employment opportunities to youth 15-30 years of age. Career counsellors can help with cover letters, resumes, job search and interview questions. For further information click on the link below!!

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